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Using dinacharya, simple Ayurvedic daily routines, to support you in finding your balance and harmony in this world

Solidifying, by learning, integrating, connecting and understanding ~the habits ~the why's and ~ the how's. Utilizing habit science to break through old patterns and integrate new ones.


Waking up your awareness in the process so you can tune in with what supports your own lifeline and make empowered conscious choices day by day.

(click here for individual habit details)


  • Bring balance and harmony into your daily living 

  • Understand and practice the fundamentals of Ayurveda & yoga

  • Use the tools of Dinacharya (daily routines from Ayurveda)

  • Learn how to help a habit become a habit  

(videos, here you will find a mixture of videos to get to know me better and a few to see more details about these individual habits)

Sync Up With Your True Self



Cultivate 10 Habits

through small steps to support you

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